You are here: Charting > Getting Started > Adding, Changing, and Removing Symbols

Adding, Changing, and Removing Symbols


When chart window is opened and selected, it can take keyboard input to add, change, and remove symbols.


Changing symbol

To change currently displayed symbol, or to add a new symbol to an empty chart window, select the chart window, and then type the symbol:



Adding multiple symbols

To add multiple symbols to a chart window, select the chart window, and then type symbols separated with spaces, such as MSFT DELL INTC:



To add an additional symbol to a chart, select the chart window, and then type the symbol prefixed with "+", such as +MSFT:



Removing Symbols

If a chart is showing more than one symbol, all of these symbols can be removed with exception of one. To remove a symbol, click on symbol's Close button:


Close button will disappear when there is only one symbol left to prevent removal of last symbol.

Advanced topics

When working with multiple symbols, ActiveTick provides a convenient shortcuts menu that's useful for some advanced controls. To access this menu, click on the symbol button:



The shortcuts menu provides three different menu options useful for dealing with multiple symbols: 




Bring to Front

Select this option to draw data contents on top of other contents

Select to Draw Object Select this option to draw new objects for this specific symbol or study
Set as Changeable Symbol Select this option to make this symbol changeable. Next time when a symbol is typed in, this symbol will be replaced with the newly typed one


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